The freelancer platform for qualified authors

The freelancer platform for qualified authors

The freelancer platform for qualified authors
TenMedia GmbH
TenMedia GmbH
Database development Digitization Hosting, Management & Customer Care Custom Software Platforms and Marketplaces Software Development UI Design UX Design Encryption Web Design Web Development Relaunch
Amazon AWS Apache Bootstrap Cloud CloudFlare Datenbank Git GitHub JavaScript Joomla Laravel PHP SASS SCSS WebSocket Zurb Foundation jQuery

The Project

Writeree is a freelancer portals for authors, editors, proofreaders and all kinds of text work.
The freelancer platform for qualified authors
The freelancer platform for qualified authors

The Challenge

This project was not only developed from scratch by us, but is continuously maintained and developed by us. Since 2011, we have completed a total of 3 relaunches, each with 4 months of full-time development.
The freelancer platform for qualified authors
The freelancer platform for qualified authors

Our Technologies

This project is based on PHP and the framework Laravel, Zurb Foundation in the frontend and MangoPay as payment system. The relaunches first took place with various Joomla versions, until finally the current version was launched with Twitter Bootstrap.
The freelancer platform for qualified authors
Anica Piontek
+49 (0) 30 5 490 650-0
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All contact requests are free of charge and non-binding, by phone, e-mail and in person. We are happy about every project and will get back to you as soon as possible.